Space Clearing: Course Welcome

Space clearing is an ancient ritual that is used by most cultures world wide. Space clearing is a way to cleanse and remove negative energy.

When we space clear and remove residual energy and create a positive energy flow, we heal our natural surroundings and by doing that we also heal ourselves and all who use the space.

Space clearing has a positive impact on  mental, physical and spiritual health.

In this Space clearing course you will learn the tried and tested methods used for decades by Dr. Debra and Deneen to clear energy. You will understand the importance of preparation and of having clear intention. You will learn multiple methods of space clearing and know how and when to perform a space clearing.

“A space clearing will cause a quick shift if things have been on a downward trend. Especially if life feels stuck. Space clearing allows new opportunities to manifest and stops recurring problems.” Dr. Debra

Cost $300 + GST